ion can provide technical assistance to multi-disciplinary projects. All of our work is carried out with close participation of the partnering group or agency and community representatives. Participatory design and planning techniques are used to allow community residents and organizations a seat at the table and have a say in design decisions that will effect their everyday lives. ion organizes itself in a way that models the proven successes of others resource centers promoting sustainable community development solutions that contribute to self-sufficiency. ion places a focus on a comprehensive community development approach and provides “one stop shopping” that is adaptable and flexible and capable of meeting the needs of each project presented regardless of locale, issues involved or scale.
ion is directed by a core staff with demonstrated successes with community development initiatives in the public, private and academic sectors. The staff’s diverse practice background includes completed projects for a broad range of clients including those at the Federal, State, County, Municipal, CDC and NGO levels as well as private entities and non-profit groups. The scale of projects range from smaller specific needs to larger initiatives including neighborhood, district, subarea and regional plans.
Services provided include:
- Needs Assessments
- Technical Assessments
- Structural Assessments
- Facade Renovation
- Architectural Services
- Recovery Planning
- Threat and Hazard Indentification and Risk Assessments (THIRA)
- Interiors
- Conceptual Design
- Feasibility Studies
- Vision Plans
- Strategic Plans
- Revitalization Plans
- Neighborhood/District Plans Downtown Plans
- Corridor Plans
- Sub Area Plans
- Cultural Plans
- Program Plans
- Design Guidelines
- Grant Assistance
- Owner Representation Graphics and Visualization
- Design Build
- Capacity Planning
- Public - Private Partnerships
- Public Outreach
- Training
- Regulatory and Entitlement Process
- Intergovernmental Agreements
- Governmental Review & Approvals (including EIS, EA, Section 106)
- Codes and Guidelines
- Historic and Cultural Preservation
- Economic Development
- Public Financing
- Niche Financing
- Grant Assistance (including grant writing and management)
- Transit Oriented Development
- Sustainable Urban Communities
- Affordable Housing
- Healthy Eating - Active Living
- Educational (including as practitioners and faculty)
- Resource Efficiency
- Research and Surveying
- Design - Build Solutions